We want to make Jesus famous by loving and serving, just like he did. As well as building a real sense of family together, we know we’re called to love and serve our neighbours in our own local communities and workplaces. We want to empower every one of our members to make a difference where they are. There are also some things we do together... check out below


Offering a house, friendship and support.

We are passionate about affecting the lives of the people around us with the love of Jesus.

Part of what this means for King’s Church is working alongside men and women who are homeless or isolated and offering hope, a home and a way forward.

As part of our Homes of Hope ministry, we own two houses as a Church that accommodate vulnerable or excluded men who have either been or are at risk of being homeless. We are passionate about seeing these men set into a home, seeing freedom from life controlling issues and equipping for future friendships and work.

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Offering a meal to those who are currently going with free school meals in South Manchester.

Serving youth and families who need are in need of food during the COVID-19 crisis.


Kids & Cake

Toddler group in Manchester City Centre

Kids & Cake is a fun-packed toddler group that meets in Manchester City Centre.